Course curriculum
Week 1: Welcome & Organizational Skills for Healthcare Patients
PRE-COURSE survey - Please take FIRST!
Introduction to Course
Lesson 1: Organizing Medical Information & Appointments
Lesson 1 Handout: Example of One Page "Face Sheet"
Lesson 2: Assembling your Team
Lesson 3: Becoming the CEO of your Medical and Support Team
Week 1: Post-survey
Week 2: Managing Physical Symptoms (Pain, Fatigue & More).
Handout - Powerpoint Week 1-2
Video 1: Introduction to Pain
Video 2: Pain Prevention - Joint Protection
Video 3: Pain Prevention - Workarounds & Exercise
Video 4: How to Manage or Reduce Existing Pain
Video 5: Intro to Fatigue & Energy Conservation
Video 6: More Fatigue Strategies & A Day in the Life of Pain & Fatigue Strategies
Week 2: POST quiz - optional
Blank Template: Master RA Toolbox
Example: Completed Master RA Toolbox
Week 3: Managing Mental Effects (Stress, Anxiety, Depression & More)
Week 3 Slides
Lesson 1: Introduction to Mental Health & RA
Lesson 2: Root Causes of Discomfort in RA - Part A
Lesson 2 Part B
Lesson 2 Part C
Lesson 3: Professional Therapy & Support
Lesson 4: Anxiety
Lesson 5: Depression
Lesson 6: Example Toolbox
Week 3 Post-Quiz
(DRAFT FOR BETA) Toolbox Template - download and customize!
(DRAFT FOR BETA) Example: Cheryl's RA Toolbox
Week 4: Managing Social Effects & Course Conclusion
PDF of Week 4 Presentation Slides
Lesson 1: Intro
Lesson 2 - Ways to Talk about RA - Part A
Lesson 2 - Ways to Talk about RA - Part 2 B
Lesson 2 - How to Talk about RA - Part C
Lesson 3 - Managing Social Effects - Part A
Lesson 3 - Managing Social Effects - Part B
Lesson 3 - Managing Social Effects - Part C
Lesson 4 - Course Conclusion
Post COURSE and Week 4 Survey + Testimonials