Learn from a fellow patient who gets it.

When I was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) at age 20, I was overwhelmed. I had no idea how to manage my pain and fatigue, explain to friends and family why I "didn't look sick," and manage my stress and fears for the future.

My medical team was wonderful at helping me with medications, but I needed more. I needed someone to help me figure out how to actually LIVE with this disease!

Learn the BEST tools in one easy place!

As an occupational therapist, I have learned tools that are scientifically shown to help you manage your stress and pain and give you a sense of control over your disease.

You should have access to these tools as early on in your journey as possible - the more you take control of your disease now, the more likely you are to avoid complications from rheumatic disease in the future!

Save Time and Energy with my Step by Step Guides

Trying to sort through the endless amount of websites about rheumatoid arthritis is overwhelming - that's why I assembled my lessons in step-by-step that you can go through at your own pace on your own time.

You *could* spend your valuable time figuring this all out on your own, but I want you to get started on the right foot with RA as soon as possible!

My goal is to empower you to learn ways to not just live but THRIVE with RA. You don't have to do this on your own. Ready to get started?

Introducing the Rheumatoid Arthritis Roadmap: Your Guide to Living a Full Life with RA!

An online program to help you adjust to your new normal with confidence and clarity.


What are people saying about the RA Roadmap?

From lost to empowered.

Stephanie, May 2020

"I felt so lost with my new RA diagnosis. I found Cheryl to be a wonderful, compassionate source of information. She encourages, supports, and offers insight to this new way of life. I feel more empowered now, more confident in myself and the choices I make for my health. The learning is self paced, non-judgmental, and leave you feeling stronger. For anyone with RA, I would highly recommend this course. It will make such a positive difference in your life."

"Practical information that is rarely discussed in the rheumatologist's office."

Cristina, May 2020. Lived with RA for 17 years

"I wish I had access to this information when I was diagnosed with RA 17 years ago. The coping tools provided by Cheryl are useful even for a seasoned patient like me. I particularly enjoyed the last section on intimacy and relationships. I recommend this course for the newly diagnosed to equip them with practical and evidence-based information that is rarely discussed in the rheumatologist's office."

Validating and Empowering

Melissa McGrory, August 2020

"I am SO grateful for you and can not say enough wonderful things about you and your course! I’ve been on this journey since 2016 with no idea what I’m doing and it feels crippling at times to just be so out of control in your own body. I have learned so much, not just incredible tips for day to day, but also about the disease itself! I cried so many tears of relief through these 4 weeks because I feel validated for the very first time. It was such an empowering opportunity to learn from you- I wish I had this years ago but I’m so happy to have it now!"

Comprehensive, easy to understand, and relatable!"

Kat A., June 2020

"This course was a great resource for learning how to live as a person with RA. There are so many aspects to living with a chronic illness to consider beyond what you have time to discuss with your doctor when first diagnosed. Trying to get a handle on what having RA might look like for you can be so overwhelming, but Cheryl has compiled the key elements in a way that is comprehensive, easy to understand, and relatable!"

"Valuable support."

Ann Storey, May 2020, May

I appreciate having someone that has been through this experience share their expertise. I also appreciate having a group of "newbies" to talk things through and compare our stories. Cheryl has made this course easy to use, understand, and work through. The support of the other learners has been valuable as I begin my RA journey.

"Everyone trying to thrive while battling RA deserves to have a toolbox and supportive community."

Jamie, May 2020

The course gave me so many new tools to help manage my RA and validated so many of my feelings and the experiences I have encountered since being diagnosed. The course is packed with so many resources I'll be referring back to what I've learned for years to come. What has become just as valuable is the community that I have become apart of while taking this course. The friendships and community created has been incredibly helpful and encouraging. Everyone trying to thrive while battling RA deserves to have a toolbox and a supportive community as amazing as what Arthritis Life has created for me.,

"Super valuable" even if you've had the disease for a while

L. J., June 202

"I really believe your course has a lot of value….and that is from me who has already had this disease for a while and much of the information I have learned “the hard way” through my own life experiences and research. Even with all of that I still feel the way you deliver it is super valuable."

" I now have a solid foundation of practical strategies to continue living a fulfilling life, even with RA."

Armani, June 2020

"I have a much more positive outlook on my future because I now have a solid foundation of practical strategies to continue living a fulfilling life, even with RA. Mentally, I am in such a better place. Also, during this course was the most comfortable I've ever felt talking about my experience with this disease with others. Whether you are struggling with your disease and need help with management or you feel confident with your management strategies and just desire a supportive community, this course provides it all!" ,

"I now feel so much less alone and way more confident in managing my illness."

Sarah, June 2020

"I had so many questions about my symptoms and how to manage this disease that I wasn't able to ask my medical team. Getting valuable information each week about the things that really matter to me from someone who gets it was so helpful. It's obvious that Cheryl really cares about the people enrolled and goes out of her way to answer questions and give explanations. The social support that comes with this course is also invaluable! I now feel so much less alone and way more confident in managing my illness."

"Didn't sugarcoat things, but made me feel more hopeful than I did at the beginning."

Debra, June 2020

"I think this course is good for anyone at any point in their chronic illness journey. I appreciated how the information was straightforward, relevant and seemed to be research-based. I appreciate how it didn't sugarcoat things, but made me feel more hopeful than I did at the beginning of the course."

What's Included?

Video lessons, handouts and more!

  • Self Study: Online Course

    ●26 bite-sized yet comprehensive video lessons created and narrated by Cheryl.

    ●Lessons cover how to manage physical symptoms (like pain and fatigue), cope with stress, manage social stressors and become the CEO of your care team.

    ●Over 300 pages of presentation handouts which you can download and keep.

    ●To request sliding scale or monthly payment options, email me at info -at- myarthritislife.net.


I'm ready to go from Overwhelmed to empowered!

YES, I want to learn how manage my pain, fatigue, stress and more.

Course curriculum

    1. Start Here: Intro to Course & How to Navigate

    2. Course at a glance

    3. Handouts: All Presentation Slides

    4. Master Workbook (includes master toolbox and journal prompts)

    5. Pre-Course Survey

    1. Lesson 1: What is RA?

    2. Lesson 2: Overcome Overwhelm by Developing Health Literacy

    3. Lesson 3: How to Form your Medical & Support Team

    1. Lesson 1: Organization - Symptom and Record Tracking

    2. Lesson 2: Getting the most out of Appointments & Provider Relationships

    3. Lesson 3: How to Be the CEO of your Care Team

    1. Lesson 1: What is Pain?

    2. Lesson 2: How to Prevent Pain through Joint Protection

    3. Lesson 3: How to Prevent Pain through Diet & Exercise

    4. Lesson 4: How to Reduce Pain

    1. Lesson 1: What is fatigue?

    2. Lesson 2: How to Prevent and Reduce Fatigue

    3. Lesson 3: Example "Day in the Life" using these tools.

    1. Lesson 1: Defining Terms

    2. Lesson 2: Exploring Root Causes of Mental Discomfort in RA

    3. Lesson 3: Benefits of Professional Therapy & Support Groups

About this course

  • $197.00
  • 31 lessons
  • 4 hours of video content

Is this course a good fit for me?

This course is for you if:

  • You have rheumatoid arthritis or a similar health condition such as psoriatic arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, or lupus.

  • You are overwhelmed with figuring out how to manage your condition in your daily life.

  • You are interested in learning how to manage the disease through coping strategies and lifestyle choices, choices (such as exercise and altering how you approach tasks).

  • You are a health professional, loved one or otherwise interested in learning about tools to manage rheumatoid arthritis and related conditions.

Who is not a good fit for this course?

This course isn't for you if:

  • You want this course to provide a cure for rheumatoid arthritis or a way to "heal" it. This course can be taken in conjunction with alternative therapies you might pursue, but this course does not claim to teach a way to heal or cure RA.

  • You don't want to commit the time and energy required to learn how to manage your disease.

  • You don't believe that daily living changes (such as changing your sleep routine or stress management tools) will make a difference, or you believe you will feel badly no matter what you do.


  • Is this the same as the "Rheum to THRIVE" self paced course?

    In 2023, I updated all course materials and rebranded the course under the name "Rheum to THRIVE." The core content areas are the same but the Rheum to THRIVE self-paced course does have updated references and some additional modules. Both courses are the same price point.

  • When does the course start?

    The pre-recorded lectures and handouts are available immediately after you purchase the course!

  • How long will the course materials be available? Will I be able to download them?

    The course materials are available for 3 months after you purchase. Increased access is available upon request. You will be able to download all handouts but not the videos.

  • Does this material only apply to rheumatoid arthritis? What about other forms of arthritis?

    The majority of the content applies to *all* forms of inflammatory or immune-mediated arthritis such as ankylosing spondylitis, psoriatic arthritis, lupus and more. Many of the strategies will also apply to other forms of chronic illnesses and chronic pain such as fibromyalgia. Please email me at: Info - at - MyArthritisLife.net for specific questions and I can help you determine if this course is the right fit for you!

  • What if I'm a healthcare provider or family member of someone with RA?

    ANYONE who is interested in this content is welcome to take the course. For licensed health providers: I provide evidence citations throughout the course but it is not approved for any continuing education units.

  • What if I want a refund?

    You have 4 weeks from when you purchase to request a refund. I will provide one and just will ask you to provide feedback so that I can learn and continue to make this course the best it can be.

  • Is this relevant even if I've had RA for many years?

    Yes! Because many patients never are educated in these topics, people who've lived with it for years have been reporting they find it very valuable.

  • If I take this course am I receiving occupational therapy services from Cheryl?

    No. In this course, an occupational therapist (Cheryl) provides general education strategies and answers your questions about the educational program. However, this is not a substitute for individual or group occupational therapy services. Cheryl is licensed to provide these services in Washington State and does so on a limited basis at this time. More details can be found in the course medical disclaimer.

Sign up today!

It's time to gain the clarity, connection and confidence you deserve as you adjust to your new normal. You don't have to do this on your own!

I understand that Covid19 has significantly affected finances. To request a sliding scale, email me at info -at- myarthritislife.net and we can discuss possibilities!

Instructor Bio

Cheryl Crow is an award-winning occupational therapist who specializes in helping people with rheumatic diseases have the best quality of life possible.

Course Creator Cheryl Crow

Cheryl earned a Masters in Occupational Therapy in 2012 from Samuel Merritt University in Oakland, CA.

Cheryl frequently is asked to share her expert opinion on ways people can successfully manage daily living challenges with rheumatoid arthritis. She has written articles and/or been interviewed for: Everyday Health, RheumatoidArthritis.net, AnkylosingSpondylitis.net, Creaky Joints, The Mighty, and Mamas Facing Forward.

In 2019 Cheryl formed Arthritis Life to educate, empower and inspire others with arthritis.

Cheryl has devoted many additional hours to continuing education in the area of chronic disease management and rheumatoid arthritis specifically, including:

- Certification as an educator for the Chronic Disease Self-Management Program

- Completion of USC's "Introduction to Lifestyle Redesign" training

- "Systematic Review of Educational Interventions for Rheumatoid Arthritis"

- "Effectiveness of Occupational Therapy Interventions for Adults With Rheumatoid Arthritis: A Systematic Review"

- "Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Beginners" (Psychwire)

- "Fatigue Management Occupational Therapy for Individuals with Autoimmune Disease"

- "Arthritis of the Upper Extremity"

- "Occupational Therapy and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy"

- "Persisting Pain: Understanding why Things Hurt"

Cheryl has also developed and facilitated a training for other occupational therapists titled: "Beyond Joint Pain: Treating Rheumatoid Arthritis from the Full Scope of Occupational Therapy."